A Message from the CEO
I would like to thank all residents, family members, staff, exhibitors and visitors who participated in the Wheels at Westmont on 28 October. It was indeed a wonderful day and all the efforts put in were greatly appreciated.
We received an unannounced Assessment Contact Review from the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency on 18 July with all reviewed outcomes receiving a ‘met’ and a follow-up visit on 18 October has confirmed this.
A quality accreditation visit was also received from the Consumer Affairs Department on 1 August in relation to Westmont Village. Some opportunities for improvement were identified and have been implemented since the visit.
With the negative publicity that has been focussed on our industry in the National media recently, it is a timely reminder that we must be ever vigilant in our operations to ensure we meet quality standards and outcomes. The degree of scrutiny is justifiable as we are dealing with the wellbeing and health of our older people.
Please have a happy holiday period and if you are travelling, travel safely and we look forward to telling you more about Westmont in the New Year.
Peter de Koeyer, CEO
Homestead Happenings
Spring has arrived, and the glorious weather is giving the residents an op-portunity to enjoy some fresh air and exercise.
The Homestead experienced an out-break of Gastroenteritis in August, which lasted for 22 days.
Staff responded with commitment and professionalism and a lot of hard work, to ensure our procedures managed the outbreak.
The residents were very understanding during this period and extremely sup-portive and appreciative of the effort put in by all staff.
Following this outbreak, we have had an independent infection control au-dit, the recommendations will be used as part of the review process, and for continuous improvement.
The benchmarking report which audits our quality performance for July – September have been received.
Pressure injuries have decreased by 23.77% in this period, and the West-mont result remains above the indus-try benchmark, with evidence that clinical practice is preventing stage progression and prompting healing.
Angela McInnes, Director of Care and Clinical Services
The Homestead continues to have a 100% occupancy. We have had eighteen admissions for permanent residential care and twenty-five have experienced respite care in the last four months.
Our waiting lists for permanent and respite is extensive.
Please feel free to contact me to discuss your future planning for residential and respite care at the Homestead.
Those prospective residents currently on our wait list are asked to advise me if your circumstances change.
Aileen Bertram—Admissions and ACFI Manager
Community Care
Community Care staff are providing excellent home care services to many people in Wodonga and surrounding areas. Our aim is to provide you with enough of the right kind of assistance to help you to remain living independently in your home for as long as you choose to and it is safe to do so. If you feel that you need some help at home, please call our friendly office staff.
Home Care Packages are the next level of care, offering more specialised support. My Aged Care (1800 200 422) is the gateway to access a Home Care Package. Westmont offers case management, service delivery and referrals to those on home care packages.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) rolled out in our area on 1 October 2017. Some of our existing younger clients are transitioning to NDIS plans. As Westmont is aged care focussed, we are offering services to our existing clients in the over 40’s age groups. Younger disability clients will be better provided for by disability specific providers who can best cater for their needs.
Community Care is now providing services to a broad spectrum of our community both subsidised funded services and private fee for service. These are; Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) Home and Community Care Program for Younger People (HACC PYP) Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Home Care (DVA) Home Care Packages (HCP) National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Brokerage Services – contracted by other providers Private Fee for Service – for individuals who are not eligible for any funding.
Christine Odewahn, Community Care Manager – 02 6043 9867
Apartment Announcements
Residents were able to have their first look at the new Recreation Centre with a specially arranged walk-through the day prior to Wheels at Westmont Open day. Many were impressed with the colour scheme and patterned carpet, especially the dance floor.
A concept plan for the proposed Dementia Cottages has been posted for all residents to view. This will, if ratified by the Board of Governance, be constructed on the land which was originally planned to house Stages 3 and 4 of Apartments.
Please contact me if you would like to discuss your possible future living at Westmont. Those prospective residents currently on the waiting list are asked to advise me when circumstances change.
Chris Boyer, Manager, Apartments and Village – 02 6043 9832
Village Voice
The Villa residents Annual General Meeting was held in the state of the art Recreation Centre – the first official occasion and only two days prior to the Wheels at Westmont Open day – enabling these residents a ‘look see’ before everyone else. The construction team worked tirelessly to have our newest asset ready for the Open day.
With only four sites now available, the Westmont precinct is almost completely committed to prospective residents, although the ageing-in-place concept is working well with a number of Villas being re-leased. Construction is vigorous with at least one Villa being completed each week.
The Village vibe is growing with an enthusiastic bunch of residents planning and instigating various activities including their most popular and recent – a Treasure Stall at the Wheels at Westmont Open day. Sales were strong and a successful fundraising campaign has kicked off this group and its projects. There are other groups meeting regularly to enhance an energetic and lively community.
A warm welcome to all our new residents who have recently joined the Westmont family. You are welcome to contact me on 6043 9832 to discuss your possible future living at Westmont.
Chris Boyer, Apartments and Village Coordinator – 02 6043 9832
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers Needed!
A heartfelt “thank you” to our Meals On Wheels volunteers. If you would like to become a Meals on Wheels volunteer please call Michelle McIntosh, Meals on Wheels Coordinator.
Michelle McIntosh, Meals on Wheels Coordinator – 02 6043 9867